Terry South, FNP-C
NP students - keep a clinical journal.  The purpose of the clinical journal is to help you develop assessment skills to perfection, enhance critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and management of your patients, will aid in discriminating between differential diagnosis, demonstrate practice application, and will help you as a student to learn to adequately and accurately organize and document your patient encounters, and use your writing to reflect your feelings about your practice, role, challenges, and rewards that relate to your clinical situations.

The journal also allows you to address ethical and professional issues related to your practice sites and will promote self-discovery.  

Journaling adds to both your personal and professional development through self-reflection, and allows you to validate your learning experiences.

The clinical journal will also assist you with proper documentation reflecting your thoughts and actions related to the clinical encounters.  The ability to apply evidence-based literature to clinical action is further enhanced through the journal, giving you the opportunity to think through your patient's cases, and allows you to critically evaluate the management plan, and to educate yourself toward the best plan of action.  This enhances life-long learning, NP students learn the dynamic process of improving the quality of patient care through reflection, review of literature, and professional critiquing of practice issues.
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    I agree with your ideas of having a journal on your journey. It does help to look back and see what you thought was so hard actually turn easy when it's over. My blog was born of journaling. Stop by and say hello!

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